We all have mentors at different stages of our lives. The mentor that made the biggest impact on my life taught me to not only live bigger & without fear, but to make BEING PRESENT top priority.
He was present every single day and in every single moment soaking in all that life was offering.
He was present moment to moment & didn’t miss a single beat.
If that’s not living, I don’t know what is.
Through our 12 years of mentorship we had countless adventures, life lessons & alllll the fun, but more importantly Charlie taught me how to be a better human.
The best part of the story is that Charlie is a dog.
My dog Charlie Man taught me how to be human.
As humans, we overthink and overreact and are distracted constantly.
While we’re in the middle of something completely amazing we can be distracted by some shit someone said yesterday or nervous about something scheduled for the next day.
Charlie LIVED. He was present. He gave his time without distraction. I felt seen & heard by him. I felt loved unconditionally. He was ALWAYS up for adventure & ready to party at any moment.
He was one of the great loves of my life & HE is the reason for Pup Active & our DOG FRIENDLY AF movement.
In life, we can find lessons and moments in the most unsuspecting places. We may be told to find big lessons and mentors from people who are “successful” in the traditional sense.
At Pup Active, we stand by the absolute truth that the biggest lessons come from the most unsuspecting & non-traditional places.
When we talk about the love we all seek in this world, Charlie Man embodied that love & because I was lucky enough to experience life and love with him, I am here TODAY to share it with all of you.
I want to invite you into Pup Active, be Dog Friendly AF with us as we remember Charlie, do our best to stay present every day & be open to the lessons. 😉
xo. Lara
www.pupactive.com 🐾